History and Historiography of Science

New Contributor: Christopher Donohue

While I was away we’ve had a new contributor join us here at Ether Wave Propaganda: Christopher Donohue. Christopher is a graduate student in history, who is primarily interested in the intersection between the histories of political ideas, jurisprudence, and natural philosophy; he has already done a lot of work on the jurisprudence and intellectual/literary uses of shipwreck, which has resonances in problems of providence, madness, personal responsibility, and enlightenment. He also has a working interest in similar problems in the post-World War II period.

I initially met Christopher when he TA’d for my Intro to the History of Science class this spring at the University of Maryland. He’s a fascinating guy who contributed a lot to the construction of that class; and he’s very widely read, and has some pretty novel opinions on what he’s reading (some might say crazy opinions, but after listening to him at length, I’m reasonably well convinced of his approach). So, I’m eagerly anticipating his contributions here. Welcome, Christopher!