In recognition of the 108th anniversary of Linus Pauling’s birth (kind of our poor man’s response to the Darwin’s 200th hoopla!), our neighbors at the Pauling Blog have sent us over a really excellent post on their namesake, which will be appearing on their site in slightly modified form on Friday.
Linus Pauling was born in Portland, Oregon on February 28, 1901, meaning that this coming Saturday will mark the 108th anniversary of his birth. (He died on August 19, 1994 at the age of 93)
One of the Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections’ annual habits has been to reflect back upon Pauling’s life around the time of his birthday anniversary, usually by highlighting his activities 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.
Looking back in segments of twenty-five years is admittedly rather an arbitrary observance, but it can oftentimes prove to be very revealing. By choosing to study the effectively-random dates of, in this instance, 1909, 1934, 1959 and 1984, one is compelled to sample a broad period of time in Pauling’s life and, in the process, gain a sense of his remarkably-wide variety of interests. It is our belief that, as much as anything else, these broad horizons define Pauling’s legacy.
1909: Age 8
Pauline, Linus, and Lucile Pauling, ca. 1908
The Pauling family begins this year in Condon, Oregon, a small and isolated farming community some 150 miles east of Portland. Four years previous,
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